Victory for Indiana Right to Life as court bars enforcement of laws prohibiting corporate contributions to Super PACs

On October 4, a federal court prohibited enforcement of an Indiana law that, in violation of the First Amendment, limited corporate contributions to PACs for independent expenditures. This ruling represents a complete victory for Indiana Right to Life Victory Fund (“IRTL Victory Fund”) and for all who value the constitutional right to engage in political speech, which is at the core of the First Amendment.

Indiana Right to Life supports retention of all state judges on ballot

On this year’s general election ballot, five Republican-appointed judges will face retention votes.  Each of these holds to a conservative judicial philosophy. The three Indiana Supreme Court justices (Rush, Massa, and Molter) voted to uphold Indiana’s new abortion law, which ended 98% of abortions in Indiana, as constitutional. Abortion backers are attempting to prevent retention of these Republican-appointed judges.

Indiana Right to Life urges you to vote YES on retaining all five state judges on the ballot.

Learn more about the judges

Each state has the duty to determine the fate of the unborn and other vulnerable citizens. We all have the grave responsibility to understand and vote to protect life. Our state has been traditionally pro-life, however, pressures to change are being applied. Your understanding of the laws is critical so that you can wisely vote. We aspire to have shortcuts on our website to assist you for legislative updates. Links to your representatives to communicate will also be available. Protection of life is fundamental to our existence and the future of our nation. See our petition page here.

The Westfield, Indiana, community publicly honored the nine identified victims of Indiana’s notorious 1990s Fox Hollow Farm serial killings, and an unknown number of unidentified others for the first time Thursday.

The Hamilton County Sheriff’s Office and Coroner’s Office have successfully named the nine known victims and are in the process of identifying four others. There were a total of 10,000 pieces of human remains located on the 18-acre estate where serial killer Herb Baumeister, owner of the Sav-A-Lot shopping chain, once lived.

“The complexity and the amount of remains they have, which is over 10,000 stored, is second only to 9/11,” said Linda Znachko, founder of He Knows Your Name, an Indiana-based ministry for the unidentified deceased. “And the intricacy and the amount of manpower that this investigation is continuing to need and require, plus money to do pathology and all the DNA work, is just huge.”  

See the Fox News Coverage here

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